The Sober Curious Secret to Better Sleep and Focus

Benefits of Not Drinking

If you fall into the heavy drinker category or you’re a binge drinker, it’s vital to consult with a health professional before quitting drinking, says Dr Lalor, as it can be alcoholism symptoms dangerous. “If heavier drinkers remove alcohol for a longer period of time, they might see weight loss, improvement in body composition, less stomach fat, improvement in triglycerides (one of the fat particles in the blood),” she said. If you need a break from alcohol, going alcohol-free for a month or more can bring about many physical and mental health benefits. Research from Oxford University found that even moderate drinking can affect cognitive function for several days after consumption. The research showed that attention, memory, and decision-making skills were impaired for up to 48 hours after drinking. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is essential for memory consolidation, learning, and emotional processing.

4 Weeks

If you’ve been a regular drinker, you might also experience temporary acute withdrawal symptoms in the early days – if these are more severe or you struggle to cope, it is important to seek help. “Excessive alcohol consumption can weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses and infections,” says Nicole Andrews, a registered dietitian nutritionist and oncology dietitian based in Kennewick, Washington. Meanwhile, the positive impact on physical and mental health are enough to keep many people sticking to a sober lifestyle.

Benefits of Not Drinking

72 Hours

Benefits of Not Drinking

But while terms like ‘sober curious’ and ‘alcohol free’ are trending, there are still plenty of people overindulging. “This might be for health reasons, as part of a lifestyle change, to save money, or just out of curiosity. Most heavy drinkers experience immediate benefits when they give up alcohol. Within just a few days or weeks, they drop excess weight, no longer experience hangover symptoms, and avoid the brain fog what happens when you stop drinking alcohol that’s common among people who drink. They also reduce their risk of developing serious health conditions. Alcohol consumption is linked to over 200 health conditions, including liver disease, certain cancers, and cardiovascular problems.

Physical Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

People who drank minimally may experience few or mild withdrawal symptoms, but excessive drinkers can experience harsher side effects. However, the benefits of quitting drinking can be worth the trouble. He says, however, if you drink every day, you should consult with a health professional before quitting cold turkey.

Benefits of Not Drinking

The ethanol in alcohol inflames your liver cells and causes the liver to swell, says Mohammad Alhabbal, the medical director at AdCare Hospital in Worcester, Massachusetts. Because your liver is connected to your pancreas through biliary ducts, he says, your pancreas will begin to overproduce enzymes and become inflamed, as will your GI system, your esophagus and your stomach. Continual inflammation of the organs, he warns, can eventually lead to them shutting down and then shutting off. Hany says the ethanol from which alcohol is made is a toxin and too much can tax, damage and even destroy your liver cells by causing fat to accumulate. If the damage isn’t too great, though, a month-long break can allow your liver to recover.

  • “Sometimes people drink alcohol to help them relax or navigate social anxiety, only to find it makes things worse,” says McMahon.
  • But even moderate drinking, defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as two or fewer drinks for men per day and one or fewer drinks for women, comes with health risks.
  • After 24 hours without alcohol, your body will start to detoxify and you may experience withdrawal symptoms.

You’ll sleep better

Alcohol negatively interferes with your immune system, stopping it from producing enough white blood cells to fight germs and bacteria. This is one reason why many heavy drinkers experience pneumonia and tuberculosis. However, a study in the British Medical Journal showed that a month long liver cleanse can lead to a 15% decrease in the amount of fat in your liver. Just another one of the huge health benefits of not drinking alcohol. These symptoms peak within 72 hours, but people with serious alcohol withdrawal symptoms should work with a healthcare provider as the experience can be fatal. Because alcohol slows down your metabolism, you can easily gain weight when drinking.

  • From the Prohibition era to today’s popular culture of hard seltzers and celebrity tequilas, drinking has been ingrained in our social activities.
  • Just being dry for 1 month and going back to drinking in excess is a bad idea.
  • You’ll also see fewer wrinkles, less puffiness and an elimination of red blotches.
  • According to experts, your skin should completely clear up within a month after quitting drinking — except in the heaviest of former drinkers.
  • However, when you stop drinking, your risk of developing these diseases decreases.
  • After 2 weeks of no alcohol, you may continue to enjoy the health benefits of better sleep and hydration.

Ditching alcohol can reduce your risk of breast cancer

What you might notice is sugar or carb cravings, as your body isn’t getting the empty calories it’s used to getting from booze. “When you stop using alcohol, your sweet tooth still kicks in, so be careful of which foods and beverages you replace it with,” Johnson says. Heavy drinking can actually cause the part of the brain that’s critical to memory and learning (hippocampus), to shrink. Studies have also connected alcohol use to an increased risk of stroke, especially for people under the age of 45 years old. There are certain brain chemicals called excitatory neurotransmitters that will stop doing their job when you drink, which can make you feel sleepy and sedated. But anything more than a drink or so a day has the opposite effect, especially if you abuse or are addicted to alcohol.

Benefits of Not Drinking

When your metabolism slows, your body needs to work harder to process fats and sugars. On its own, alcohol is high in sugar and empty calories, and when you add mixers, you’re = likely to substantially increase your calorie intake. After half a year without drinking, you will really start to reap the rewards.

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